Visit for 1,000 articles, video and audio presentations and books by this top Middle East and Nonviolent Action expert, including: Western Sahara: War, Nationalism, and Conflict Irresolution; Nonviolent Social Movements; and Tinderbox. Also see videos of his and other presentations at the MNS 50th Anniversary plus best nonviolence resources.

Download Free: How Agent Provocateurs Harm Our Movements by Steve Chase (2022, 45 pages), from Solidarity 2020 and Beyond and ICNC Press. Or order the paperback or e-book copies. See George Lakey’s review in and the trailer to Lakey’s bio-doc.

Also see Nonviolence International (NVI), archive, database, webinars, internships & United for a Fair Economy: Toolkit, workshops, guides, charts, reports, events.

Lakey-DancingwithhistoryGeorge Lakey’s Memoir, Dancing with History: A life for peace and justice

His national tour of over a hundred author events covers Lakey’s (85) six decades of nonviolent action and strategy.

Altar to an Erupting SunChuck Collins AltartoanEruptingSun

Chuck Collins’s new novel for and about climate and justice activists and change comes out May 2023. See description, praise and order now.

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