Download Free: How Agent Provocateurs Harm Our Movements by Steve Chase (2022, 45 pages), from Solidarity 2020 and Beyond and ICNC Press. Or order the paperback or e-book copies. See George Lakey’s review in WagingNonviolence.org and the trailer to Lakey’s bio-doc.
Altar to an Erupting Sun
Chuck Collins’s new novel for and about climate and justice activists and change comes out May 2023. See description, praise and order now. |
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Books & Videos for Activists by Topic/Issue
Also check out Movement for a New Society authors, publications and videos!
- Activist Classics: James Baldwin, Noam Chomsky, Eugene Debs,
Barbara Deming, W.E.B. Du Bois, Hannah Arendt, Marx & Engels… - Climate, Environment & Ecology: Bill McKibben, Vandana Shiva…
- Democracy, Elections & Politics: Lawrence Lessig, Ralph Nader, Greg Palast, IPS…
- Education & Training: Paolo Freire, BeautifulTrouble.org…
- Gender & Sexuality: Angela Davis, Felice Yeskel, James Baldwin…
- History: Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Thom Hartmann, Zephyr Teachout…
- Law, Civil & Human Rights: Erwin Chemerinski, Lawrence Lessig, Rep. Jamie Raskin…
- Media, Technology & Civil Liberties: Jon Nichols, Robert McChesney,
Edward Snowden, Jeff Cohen, Norman Solomon, Amy Goodman… - Movement for a New Society Authors, Books, Videos
- Organizing, Training & Strategy : George Lakey, Bill Moyer, Nadine Bloch, Daniel Hunter…
- Nonviolent Action: Gene Sharp, Michael Beer, Erica Chenoweth, Paul & Mark Engler…
- Peace & War: Stephen Zunes, Richard Falk, Medea Benjamin…
- Racial & Ethnic Justice: Rinku Sen, Eddie Glaude Jr., Cornel West, BookRiot.com…
- Religion & Ethics: Chuck Collins, George Lakoff…
- Capitalism, Socialism & Alternatives:
Thomas Piketty, Richard Wolff, Marx & Engels… - Class & Inequality: Chuck Collins, Betsy Leondar-Wright…
- Global: Naomi Klein, Dean Baker, Joseph Stiglitz, Walden Bello, Arundhati Roy…
- Labor: Robert Reich, Gar Alperovitz, Holly Sklar…
- Responsible Business: Shel Horowitz, Alan Atkisson…
- Capitalism, Socialism & Alternatives:
- MINDFULNESS: Support, Spirituality and Preventing Burnout
- Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities by Rebecca Solnit
- The Impossible Will Take a While by Paul Loeb
- The Lifelong Activist: How to Change the World Without Losing Your Way by Hillary Rettig
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