Share the timely Tom Hanks/Washington Post 7-min. animation
How to Rig an Election: RACIST History of 1876 Presidential Contest

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Above: Strategy to End Corruption: a Right-Left Solution from Represent.US
on how we’ve forced change in the past and must again now.
But Princeton Study finds most Americans have zero impact on public policy

ABOVE (30-min.): In Polarization: The “Forge” that Heats System Change,
MNS strategist George Lakey explains “How We Win” systemic reforms
and redirection now, as in the 1930s and 1960s in the US and Scandinavia.
Also see the Trailer for Lakey’s new bio-pic.

Above: RAINSTORM a 2-minute ice-breaker game
at the MNS 2009 Reunion (Betsy Leondar-Wright)

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