Activist Tools: Progressive Change Resources
& More: Analysis, Vision, Strategy, Action

Web portal of best resources for effective activism
“Be the change you seek.”- M.K. Gandhi

Post Election Analysis, Actions, Strategy

Above, from Democracy Now, Nov. 8, 2024. Also
see ChooseDemocracy and Bernie Sanders and
Naomi Klein’s podcast on US elections and democracy.


Middle East Actions & Analysis:
Phone/Email Congress & President

Demand a permanent ceasefire; full food and medical aid;
and an end to Israel’s occupation, apartheid, genocide now!

WagingNonviolence.org: 200 pieces on Gaza War
including Nonmilitary alternatives to Israel’s war 
and 10 ways to prepare, ground after Trump’s win

See Dr. StephenZunes’ latest articles, interviews, analysis, videos, background and Books on Israel/Palestine, Nonviolence, Western Sahara and more; plus his MNS 50th Anniversary videos.

How Agent Provocateurs Harm Our Movements by Steve Chase (2022, 45 pages), from Solidarity 2020 and Beyond and ICNC Press. Download Free: Order the paperback or e-book. See George Lakey’s review in WagingNonviolence.org.

Lakey-DancingwithhistorySee “Citizen George” bio-doc on Lakey’s life and learnings.

Dancing with History: A life for peace and justice
George Lakey’s memoir tour of over 100 author events. Lakey (age 85) shares lessons and memories from six decades of nonviolent action and strategy. Email to schedule a fall gig near you. More.

Chuck Collins AltartoanEruptingSunAltar to an Erupting Sun

Chuck Collins’s
acclaimed, inspiring new novel, for and about climate and justice activists, and change. See description, praise and order now. More.

The Democracy Crisis: Danger & Opportunity

“America’s a great country [but not a democracy]. Now it’s just an oligarchy [or plutocracy] with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting nominated for president… governors, U.S. Senators and Congress members.”– President Jimmy Carter 2016

Shocking landmark Princeton Study (PDF) found Americans have a near-zero impact on public policy, and politicians represent only the most wealthy and powerful (“The 1%“). Clip below: Strategy to End Corruption (5-min.) from Represent.US.

“Follow the money!” – Deep Throat, Watergate whistleblower 

The tools on this site are key to effective organizing to restore democracy and force needed change now, just as activists did in the “Progressive Era,” the 1930s New Deal, and the 1960s.

More Actions, Trainings, Resources


Activist Tools: Progressive Change Resources & More

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but bends toward justice.” -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“I no longer accept what I cannot change, I work to change what I cannot accept.”Angela Davis

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