* Progressive Change Resources & More

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“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (from Rev. Theodore Parker’s 1853 sermon)

ActivistTools.org is a continually growing Web portal promoting access to the very best nonpartisan resources to help inform, inspire, train and connect progressive activists regarding all levels, contexts and issue categories. All content is selected for its potential to help activists achieve lasting, significant systemic and structural “change not charity.” That requires careful strategic planning, preparation and prioritization. We draw heavily from the “analysis, vision and strategy” and resources developed by Movement for a New Society and its many allies and offshoots. Notably the late Bill Moyer developed the widely acclaimed Movement Action Plan (MAP) model of organizing. It details the “Eight Stages of Social Movements,” which all inevitably go through, plus the Four Roles of Activists and how each can be pursued effectively or counter-productively. 

We are also guided by Freire‘s concept of praxis or “action with reflection,” King’s warning to avoid “the paralysis of analysis,” and Thoreau’s observation: “There are a thousand striking at the branches of evil for every one striking at its roots.”

So please explore, share and use all you can, listed and linked in our SiteMap/Contents, as well as at our sister sites, ActivistTraining.org and MovementforaNewSociety.org. Remember: The personal is political, so “Be the change you seek” (M.K. Gandhi).

 “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”– Theodore Roosevelt

Activist Tools: Progressive Change Resources & More

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