* Training & Organizing Resources

Much here is based on “analysis, vision and strategy” of  Movement for a New Society (MNS 1971-1988), allied organizations, and the highly effective ongoing campaigns and movements they continue to inform and inspire. Find more at,, MNS Authors+Books, and key and historic resources and records from scores of activist NGOs, in the Swarthmore Library Peace Collection.
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See Bill Moyer’s final training video (for MNS) and his highly acclaimed Movement Action Plan, plus 8 Stages, 4 Roles and Strategy.

Training Centers, Trainers, Courses,
Webinars, Workshops & More

NOTE: An * indicates those founded or largely led by Movement for a New Society alumni.

Click for Organizing Guides, Manuals, Kits & Databases

Click each image to enlarge it.
Eight Stages of Movements Eight Stages of Movements over time

The Movement Action Plan (MAP):
8 Stages, 4 Roles, Campaign Strategy

“Doing Democracy: The MAP Model for Organizing Social Movements.”
This essential guide provides the most usable theory and working model for understanding and analyzing citizen movements and how they can best succeed in the long term. Bill Moyer (with co-authors JoAnn McAllister, Mary Lou Finley and Steven Soifer), brilliantly compare MAP to nine popular models of social movements taught at universities, and apply MAP to five social movements: civil rights, anti-nuclear energy, gay and lesbian rights, breast cancer, and anti-corporate globalization. They conclude with a chapter on the future of activist strategies.

Movement Action Plan video: Moyer’s final (48 mins.)

Doing Democracy     Bill Moyer

Author Bill Moyer (1933-2002) was a globally acclaimed organizer, writer, educator and trainer in nonviolent social movements, active in a dozen countries for forty years. He was SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) staff for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the American Friends Service Committee, Movement For A New Society, Keystone Safe Energy Alliance, and Executive Director of the Social Movement Empowerment Project in San Francisco.

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Below: MNSers perform “Rainstorm
a “light-and-lively”
ice-breaker game
(2-minute) at their 2009 Reunion.

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