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NV, Peace & Transnational Part 1
- Peace Brigades International
- Nonviolent Peaceforce
- Continental Walk for Disarmament
- DC Peace Team (Eric Bachman)
- Friendly Water for the World (David Albert co-founded)
- Friends Ugandan Safe Transport Project (David Albert co-founded)
- Mike Yarrow Peace Fellowship (paid training)
- The Business Solution to Poverty by Paul Polak & Mal Warwick
- Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World by Shel Horowitz
- Haiti Resources compiled by Ray Torres
- “Sojourner Truth,” on Pacifica Radio regularly covers Haiti
- Haiti Emergency Relief Fund for donations to grassroots people Haiti
- Mapping the Assets of Your Community
NV, Peace & Transnational Part 2
Ilhan Omar introduced a House resolution in 2019 affirming the right to free speech including boycotts; it seems to have died, while the bipartisan attacks have flourished.
- Civilian Based Defense slides by Peter Bergel
- Mideast & Africa Slides by Stephen Zunes
- CDACollaborative.org
- DemocracyNow.org
- Working Families Party
- Humanitarian Disarmament
- Solidarity 2020 and Beyond (Stephen Chase now on staff)
- The Pandemic Is a Portal – Arundhati Roi
- Poor Peoples Campaign
- TheChangeAgency.org Great resources on NV campaigns (Australia)
- This is an Uprising: How Nonviolent Revolt Is Shaping the 21st Century. By Paul & Mark Engler
By Stephen Zunes:
- My monograph on resistance to coups d’état
- A shorter article on successful nonviolent resistance against stolen elections in the Philippines, Serbia, Ukraine, and Gambia
- An article from Yes! about Western Sahara, training, and global nonviolent revolution
- An announcement about my book on Western Sahara
- My study on the Sudanese nonviolent revolution
- My Yes! article on how nonviolent resistance training to a possible Trump coup had a deterrence effect
From David Hart, Nonviolence International:
- http://nonviolence.rutgers.edu/s/digital
- https://nonviolenceinternational.net/solidarity_partner
- https://nonviolenceinternational.net/nv_book
- https://tactics.nonviolenceinternational.net
- https://nonviolenceinternational.net/collective_wisdom_shared_resources
- https://nonviolenceinternational.net/cjnv_partner
- https://nonviolenceinternational.net/solidarity_partner
- Our YouTube channel has interviews of prominent NV leaders
From Michael Beer, Nonviolence International:
- Nonviolence International and Rutgers global training archive contains many MNS materials. We welcome additional materials. We’d like help making it a useful archive not just a big collection. Any ideas and help are welcome.
V, Peace & Transnational Part 2
Ilhan Omar introduced a House resolution in 2019 affirming the right to free speech including boycotts; it seems to have died, while the bipartisan attacks have flourished.
- Civilian Based Defense slides by Peter Bergel
- Mideast & Africa Slides by Stephen Zunes
- CDACollaborative.org
- DemocracyNow.org
- Working Families Party
- Humanitarian Disarmament
- Solidarity 2020 and Beyond (Stephen Chase now on staff)
- The Pandemic Is a Portal – Arundhati Roi
- Poor Peoples Campaign
- TheChangeAgency.org Great resources on NV campaigns (Australia)
- This is an Uprising: How Nonviolent Revolt Is Shaping the 21st Century. By Paul & Mark Engler
By Stephen Zunes:
- My monograph on resistance to coups d’état
- A shorter article on successful nonviolent resistance against stolen elections in the Philippines, Serbia, Ukraine, and Gambia
- An article from Yes! about Western Sahara, training, and global nonviolent revolution
- An announcement about my book on Western Sahara
- My study on the Sudanese nonviolent revolution
- My Yes! article on how nonviolent resistance training to a possible Trump coup had a deterrence effect
From David Hart, Nonviolence International:
- http://nonviolence.rutgers.edu/s/digital
- https://nonviolenceinternational.net/solidarity_partner
- https://nonviolenceinternational.net/nv_book
- https://tactics.nonviolenceinternational.net
- https://nonviolenceinternational.net/collective_wisdom_shared_resources
- https://nonviolenceinternational.net/cjnv_partner
- https://nonviolenceinternational.net/solidarity_partner
- Our YouTube channel has interviews of prominent NV leaders
From Michael Beer, Nonviolence International:
- Nonviolence International and Rutgers global training archive contains many MNS materials. We welcome additional materials. We’d like help making it a useful archive not just a big collection. Any ideas and help are welcome.
- A Resource List I use with Malaysian activists.
- Kenya, Peru & Puerto Rico NV campaigns
- Rivera Sun’s Nonviolence News
- Humanitarian Disarmament.org
- History Is a Weapon articles by the late Bill Moyer on his MAP Model
and one about George Lakey’s 5 Stage Strategic Framework. - NVI Co-resistance Webinar
- FairVote.org re. instant runoff and other election reforms
- NationalPopularVote.com
- ChooseDemocracy.org …
- Civil Resistance Against Coups
- Stephen Zunes’ article: Nonviolent activists laid the groundwork
to oppose a coup. They may have saved the Republic - BraverAngels.org
- FindingSteadyGround.com
- TransitionUs.org
- The social engagement system and the polyvagal nervous system
- Appreciative Inquiry
- Practical Meditation for Busy Souls by Margo Adair and William Aal,
an activists’ approach to spiritual/psychic self-care
- A Resource List I use with Malaysian activists.
- Kenya, Peru & Puerto Rico NV campaigns
- Rivera Sun’s Nonviolence News
- Humanitarian Disarmament.org
- History Is a Weapon articles by the late Bill Moyer on his MAP Model
and one about George Lakey’s 5 Stage Strategic Framework. - NVI Co-resistance Webinar
- FairVote.org re. instant runoff and other election reforms
- NationalPopularVote.com
- ChooseDemocracy.org …
- Civil Resistance Against Coups
- Stephen Zunes’ article: Nonviolent activists laid the groundwork
to oppose a coup. They may have saved the Republic - BraverAngels.org
- FindingSteadyGround.com
- TransitionUs.org
- The social engagement system and the polyvagal nervous system
- Appreciative Inquiry
- Practical Meditation for Busy Souls by Margo Adair and William Aal,
an activists’ approach to spiritual/psychic self-care