Macro-analysis seminars are democratically run study groups that increase participants’ collective awareness and activism to address the ecological, political, economic and social forces shaping global society. Effective social change requires that many open-minded, concerned people develop into highly committed and informed agents of change. This requires both a theoretical framework that integrates “big-picture” knowledge and the practical skills needed to conduct a long-term struggle for change.
- START (Study, Think, Act, Respond Together).
The most comprehensive Macro-analysis project revision,
launched in 2007 by Pamela Haines (MNS) and Randy Schutt,
originating with the Macro-Analysis Seminars project of
Movement for a New Society developed in the 1970s and ’80s. - Organizing Macro-Analysis Seminars: A Manual
Original 106-page MNS classic: Download Part 1 & Part 2
(Also released under Creative Commons)
Also see ActivistTraining.org for all the best training resources, Webinars, workshops, classes, manual and guides, and Bill Moyer’s widely acclaimed Movement Action Plan, 8 Stages of Social Movements and 4 Roles of Activists.
- New Society Publishers: (founded by MNS; see David Albert’s A History of NSP)
- Common Courage Press’s website as archived by the Wayback Machine
- Why Nonviolence (published by MNS)
- Robert A. Irwin‘s Building a Peace System (digital searchable)
- Envision or Perish by Pamela Haines and George Lakey, 2021
- Out of Bounds Adventures in Transformation. Sandra Boston’s 2015 memoir
- Viking Economics, Facilitating Group Learning and How We Win by George Lakey
- Strategy and Soul by Daniel Hunter
- Pamela Haines Blog & Public Banking Revolutionary Reform (MNS)
- FILM: Pakachoag: Where the river Bends
- Action research (and a second link) is a philosophy and methodology of research generally applied in the social sciences. It seeks transformative change through the simultaneous process of taking action and doing research, which are linked together by critical reflection. Kurt Lewin
- How to Dismantle an Empire (A 2020 Vision: The Economics of Community)
This upbeat book offers a macro-analysis and fresh look at old problems with the belief that communities have an inherent ability to solve their own problems and meet their own needs. Tereza Corragio examines history, the role of finance in the “petropocalypse”, and offers a vision how to re-monetize the commons with community-based script…