Israel’s Gaza death toll likely 200,000!

New evidence has emerged that Israel’s genocide has
killed up to 5 times the official death toll of 42,000 —

200,000 or 10 % of Gaza’s entire population in 12 months!

(including bodies missing under rubble or disintegrated) as
reported in “The Lancet” (Britain’s top medical journal).

Phone & email Congress & President Biden.
* Demand a permanent ceasefire NOW!
* Full food & medical aid to all NOW!
* End all military & weapons aid NOW!

WagingNonviolence.org: 200 articles on the Gaza War
including Nonmilitary alternatives to Israel’s war

Join the Interfaith Action for Palestine

Organized by a multiracial, interfaith coalition to counter Christian Zionism’s theology of violence and racist hate with an alternate vision of liberation and peace. Ways to get involved.

FROM Christians for a Free Palestine/
Interfaith Action for Palestine

Now is the time to build our power and we do that by each reaching out and bringing in new folks to this growing solidarity movement. We would love your help in spreading the word and recruiting folks to join us.  So can you:

  •     Invite three organizations you know to fill out the
        form to become supporting organization of the action
        and spread the word to their members?
  •     Text five friends and encourage them to register?
  •     Share the graphic on your social media along with why you are joining the action?

You can find script texts, emails, graphics, and all the resources you need in our outreach toolkit. 

Next week we begin our 11-day “All God’s Children March for a Ceasefirefrom Harrisonburg, VA to DC

Mennonites for Action  DC Toolkit
(during the week prior, many Mennonites will be walking from Harrisonburg, VA to DC.)

Christians for a Free Palestine  DC Toolkit

Other organizations involved are Rabbis for Ceasefire, If Not Now, Jewish Voice for Peace—DC Metro, Hindus for Human Rights, Muslim Alliance for Gender and Sexual Diversity, more.


We Are the Red Line 200+ Endorsing Orgs

Details and more at Waging Nonviolence, Democracy Now!,
The Real News Network (Baltimore), Code Pink, plus —

The 4 Protest Demands (which Biden should support):
* An immediate ceasefire.
* An end to the siege on Gaza.
* The freedom of all Palestinian political prisoners.
* An end to the occupation of Palestine.