* Ukraine & Nonviolent Civil Resistance

Ukraine & Nonviolence: 2 best 1-hour  videos

 * Ukraine & NV Civil Resistance with George Lakey:
(3/20/22, 1 hour) 400 zoomed into Lakey’s talk to
Santa Monica Quaker Meeting relating Ukraine’s
plight to prior resistance to invasion in other countries.

* Nonviolent Civil Resistance in Ukraine & Russia
(3/22/22, 1 hour + Q&A) embedded below featuring:

  • Maria Stephan, Chief Organizer of the Horizons Project, founder of Program on Nonviolent Action at U.S. Institute of Peace, co-author Why Civil Resistance Works
  • Andre Kamenshikov, regional representative of Nonviolence International (USA) and the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC)
  • Kai Brand Jacobsen, President of the Romanian Peace Institute (PATRIR)
  • Felip Daza, Research coordinator at Observatory on Human Rights and Business in Barcelona, Spain, professor at Sciences Po University and National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” and member of International Institute for Nonviolent Action,
  • Katerina Korpalo, National University Kyiv-Mohila Academy
  • Rev. Karen Dickman, Executive Director, Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy
  • David Cortright, professor emeritus, Kroc Institute, part of the Keough School of Global Affairs at the University of Notre Dame. Cortright is the author or co-editor of 19 books, including Civil Society, Peace and Power and Uniting Against Terror: Cooperative Nonmilitary Responses to the Global Terrorist Threat (MIT, 2007).
  • Moderator: Lisa Schirch, Richard G. Starmann, Sr. Professorship Chair in Peace Studies, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

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