Middle East: Actions, Analysis & News

Phone and email Congress and the President
* Demand a permanent ceasefire NOW!
* Full food and medical aid to all NOW!
* End all military and weapons aid NOW!
* More actions and events

President Biden confirmed to Time magazine (6/24):
Netanyahu is prolonging the Gaza war
for his political
survival, while continuing to send
billions in weapons aid!

The Lancet reports: Israel’s war has likely killed
over 200,000 or 10% of Gaza’s population,
5 times the official death toll since Oct. 7, 2023

WagingNonviolence.org: Please share timely,
best 200 articles on the Gaza War including
Nonmilitary alternatives to Israel’s war and
Key insights to end oppression in Palestine-Israel

See StephenZunes.org for latest Israel/Palestine
Articles, Interviews, Analysis and Background

More Middle East News, Analysis, Strategy

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There have been five wars fought between Israel and its neighbors in the last fifteen years. Over that time, and before, there have been thousands of diplomats from around the world working on a variety of plans to bring peace and stability to the region, and hundreds of conferences. They have all failed.

As Israeli journalist Haggai Matar acknowledged on October 7:
“The dread that Israelis are feeling is a sliver of what Palestinians have felt daily under the decades-long military regime in the West Bank, and siege and repeated assaults on Gaza.”

The Nakba75: Roots of Israeli Apartheid Series

  1. Downward spiral: Settlers and state violence
  2. Palestine and the carve-up of the Middle East
  3. The origins of Zionism and the Balfour Declaration
  4. Palestinian resistance to Mandate rule
  5. What is settler colonialism?
  6. Al-Nakba: The ethnic cleansing of Palestine
  7. Israel: Watchdog for US imperialism
  8. Palestine: the key to freedom in the Middle East rests with the Arab working class
  9. Palestine and international solidarity

* See Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (2007).
In the chaos following wars, natural disasters and economic panics, military and corporate neo-liberals aggressively try to push privatization, deregulation and cuts to social services as part of a “Shock Doctrine.” This is a critical time to resist these disaster capitalists and defend our human, environmental and economic rights and resources. Remember after 9/11 when President Bush seized the opportunity of national grief and fear to call for an all-out assault on Afghanistan? The bombardment of Iraq was soon to follow.

“An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind.” Mahatma Gandhi
“If your enemy is hungry, give him bread [if] thirsty… water.”Proverbs 25:21
   “Then Jesus said, ‘Put your sword back into its place. For all who
take the sword will perish by the sword.'” –
Matthew 26:52